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A Quick Buying Guide to Artificial Turf

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Artificial turf is not limited to playing fields and athletic centers, as this can be a good choice even for homeowners who struggle to maintain real grass or who don't want the work of caring for their lawn. There are many different types of artificial grass available today, and some are of such high quality that you may have a hard time noticing they're made from artificial fibers, even when up close. Note a few tips for choosing artificial turf for your home or any facility where you manage the landscaping.

1. Pile height

Artificial turf with a short pile can be good for athletic fields and tennis courts, as a longer pile or length of the artificial blades may actually cause a hazard to runners and players if they should get caught underfoot. However, for turf you want to have installed at home, a longer length can be more comfortable and better for children who want to play on the grass. Choose something 30mm long for your home if you want a soft surface for bare feet. This longer length can also make the grass appear real and less artificial.

2. Texture

For the softest surface, be sure you choose artificial grass that is coated, usually in a type of silicone. This coating will keep the grass from feeling like plastic and can be the better choice for artificial turf at home. Note that many economy styles of artificial grass may not have such a coating, so be sure you look for this and invest in a silicone coating for a softer feel.

3. Tone

When you look closely at real grass, you may see that it's all green but in many different shades. Economy types of artificial grass may be monotone, meaning all one shade of green, and this can make them look very artificial. Two-tone or even four-tone shades of artificial grass can make it look more like real grass. For an athletic field where you're not concerned about the appearance, you might choose a monotone color but for home, invest in the multi-tone shades.

4. Infill

Another option for making your grass look as natural as possible is to choose an infill, or a material that sits at the base of the blades and which may resemble moss. This too will tone down the look of a monotone grass and help to soften the look of your turf. For the best look from artificial grass, opt for an infill.
